@Westland Middle School
Spring 2025 Clubs

Open Enrollment / Early Bird Registration

 EAI offers open enrollment, with a specific registration start date. Club fees for the first three days of each registration period will include Early Bird pricing.  After the three-day Early Bird window, online registration will be available for an additional $10 per club.  However, we urge all parents to take advantage of early bird enrollment so minimum enrollment numbers can be met and accurate rosters can be distributed to instructors prior to club start dates.

Club Cancellations and Make-Up Sessions

If school is canceled or meets for only a half day because of weather, no clubs will be held.  Every effort will be made to make-up the session based upon available dates and instructors.  Enrichment Academies (not the school’s main office) will be responsible for notifying you of any cancellations.

How Many Clubs Can My Child Sign up For?

Each child may sign up for as many clubs as he or she would like as long as they do not overlap. Students are registered in clubs on a first come, first served basis.  If your child’s first choice isn’t available this session, EAI will try to offer this same club in a future session.


In many situations, class enrollment determines our ability to offer a class and pay our instructors. Because of this, there will be no refunds issued after confirmation emails have been sent.  

Financial Aid/Scholarship Fund

Families receiving lunch assistance during the school year may take one club per semester without charge if there is space available in that club.  Additionally, if you do not qualify for lunch assistance, but your financial situation prevents your child from registering, please contact the Counselor’s office.  All inquiries are confidential.

How Will My Child Get Home From the Club?

Students can be picked up by a parent/caregiver, walk home by themselves or ride the activity bus.  All clubs will be dismissed through the front entrance of the school at 4:25 PM.

Behavior Policy

Students are expected to:

¨  Follow cooperatively and politely all directions given by the instructor,

¨  Treat others with respect,

¨  Keep hands, feet, and objects to himself/herself – all physical altercations will result in immediate removal from the club

¨  Be where he/she belongs at all times, and

¨  Take responsibility for his/her behavior. 

¨  Student must be present during the school day to participate in after school club.

If a child is not willing or able to follow these expectations, the following consequences will result:

¨  1st time – Warning to student and parent;

¨  2nd time – Child will be asked to leave club. (There will be no refunds.)

Parents are expected to:

¨  Pick up their children at club published dismissal time.

EAI reserves the right to prohibit a parent from registering their child for the after school clubs program if they do not follow policies and procedures outlined above.


Accommodations and Health Concerns

Families are encouraged to contact EAI or the club vendor with questions about what to expect each week and to provide EAI with pertinent information regarding any special needs, health concerns, and allergies. This should be done when you are adding your child to the system - there is a box for Allergy/Medical Issue/Accommodations under the My Student Tab. If your child receives accommodations during the school day through MCPS, please consider whether he/she will require assistance to participate in the club, and, if so, please arrange for added support to ensure a positive, fun and successful experience for your child.


Instructor Screening and Safety

EAI requires all instructors, coaches and club administrators — all adults who come into contact with students — to submit background checks and complete the MCPS mandated Child Neglect and Abuse training. Vendors must alert EAI if they are sending a substitute teacher or aide and EAI must have the substitute’s background check on file. 

Activity Reports